Ledger hardware wallet | Ledger.

Ledger Live is the companion app for your Ledger hardware wallet that lets you buy, sell, swap, stake and manage your crypto and NFTs. Download Ledger Live for mobile or desktop and connect it to your

Ledger.com/start is the official onboarding platform for Ledger, a leading provider of hardware wallets designed to secure cryptocurrencies and digital assets. This platform offers a step-by-step guide for users to set up their Ledger hardware wallets, ensuring that they can safely store, manage, and transact with their digital assets.

Getting Started with Ledger

1. Choosing the Right Device

Ledger offers two main hardware wallets: Ledger Nano S Plus and Ledger Nano X. Ledger Nano S Plus is a cost-effective option with essential features, while Ledger Nano X offers enhanced capabilities like Bluetooth connectivity for mobile use. Selecting the right device depends on the user’s needs and preferences.

2. Unboxing and Initial Setup

Once the user has chosen and received their device, they should navigate to ledger.com/start. The platform provides clear instructions for unboxing and setting up the device. This includes connecting the device to a computer or smartphone via USB or Bluetooth (for Nano X).

3. Installing Ledger Live

Ledger Live is the companion software for Ledger hardware wallets. It is available for download on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. Users must install Ledger Live to manage their assets and perform transactions. The software guides users through creating a new wallet or restoring an existing one using a recovery phrase.

4. Creating a Secure Wallet

During setup, users are prompted to create a PIN code for their device. This PIN code is crucial for securing the hardware wallet. Following this, Ledger generates a 24-word recovery phrase. Users must write this phrase down and store it securely, as it is the only way to recover their funds if the device is lost or damaged. Ledger.com/start emphasizes the importance of keeping this phrase offline and never sharing it with anyone.

5. Managing Cryptocurrencies

After setting up the device and securing the recovery phrase, users can use Ledger Live to add accounts for various cryptocurrencies. Ledger supports a wide range of digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many ERC-20 tokens. Users can view their portfolio, track real-time balances, and perform transactions with ease.

6. Security Best Practices

Ledger.com/start provides comprehensive security tips to ensure users maintain the highest level of protection for their assets. This includes enabling two-factor authentication, regularly updating firmware and software, and being vigilant against phishing attempts.

Advanced Features

1. Ledger Live Features

Ledger Live offers additional functionalities such as staking, lending, and exchanging cryptocurrencies directly from the interface. This allows users to grow their assets and engage with the broader crypto ecosystem securely.

2. Third-Party Integrations

Ledger devices are compatible with various third-party applications and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. This compatibility enhances the versatility of Ledger wallets, enabling users to interact with a wide array of services and protocols.


Ledger.com/start is an essential resource for anyone looking to securely manage their digital assets with Ledger hardware wallets. It provides detailed, user-friendly instructions to ensure a smooth setup process and ongoing management of cryptocurrencies. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined on the platform, users can confidently protect their investments and explore the full potential of the crypto world.

Last updated